
  • 不設退款。No refunds.
  • 倘客戶發現所收貨品有任何損壞,客戶必須在收貨後3天內以電郵或致電本網站客戶服務熱線 ﹝852﹞ 2723 2617 提出辦理,貨品須連同原封包裝及在〝全新〞的情況下退換。If the customer finds any damage to the received product, the customer must call the customer service hotline of this website (852) 2723 2617 within 3 days after receiving the product. The product must be packaged together with the original packaging and in a "new" condition for exchange.
  • 貨品如因使用不當而引致損壞,恕不接受退換。If the product is damaged due to improper use, it will not be accepted for return or exchange.
  • 如需退換,請帶同貨品並出示購貨之單據及信用卡以辦理有關手續。If you need to exchange the product, please bring the goods and present the purchase receipt and credit card to go through the relevant procedures.
  • 退換貨品如無單據,將不獲受理。Exchanges without receipts will not be accepted.
  • 退換貨品必須與所有貨品購買時所附送之贈品﹝包括現金券、現金優惠券﹞一併退還,否則將從退款中扣除該贈品的價值。Returned goods must be returned together with all gifts (including cash coupons or gifts) attached to the purchase of the goods, otherwise the value of the gift will be deducted from the refund.
  • 請注意:所有已刻字的首飾、訂造、修改過的商品、減價貨品及銀飾均不享有退換及退款服務。Please note: all engraved jewelry, custom-made, modified products, discounted products and silver jewelry are not eligible for return and refund services.
  • 福井真珠保留一切修訂條款及細則之權利,毋須另行通知。The Pearl Farm reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.
  • 如有任何爭議,將以福井真珠之決定為最終裁判。In case of any dispute, the decision of The Pearl Farm will be the final decision.